Sure I am a scrapbooker but I have been a SLACKbooker for quite a while day I will go have some pics printed and start trying to catch up. But now that Eli is 2, there are so many things he says/does I have decided to try and figure out a way to record all these memories. Videos are great....I am trying to compile some videos of him making animals sounds, counting, identifying body parts, etc. and I suppose I will make a DVD to put inside his scrapbook....or something like that....I just don't have everything I need to include organized---I am making a list of all the funny things he says, if if miss anything you know of, tell me!
*first thing i ever heard him say-- "deja! deja!" (have no clue what that meant)
first "real" word was duck, then dada
eye-eye= Eli, what he calls himself
mygink- means "my drink" and can be said 10+ times in a row when necessary
shoodoo- his Po teletubby
baboo- his baby doll
oggy= monkey
choo choo= a train or any big truck
chack-tu= tractor (sometimes trucks too)
Sissy- Anniston, his big sister
shoont= star (the Sun can also be shoont)
boon- balloon (he get them frequently from Chick-fil-a)
bobbies- any fruit, veggies, or other round edible things
kendy- candy (normally said in a very whiny voice)
ah-see- Icee
gall gone- all gone
wawmaw- watermelon
ky-ging= crying
hearrit?? = do you hear it?
funder= thunder
soat= soap
fuh-he, fuh-he= funny
fiiiiine- when you ask him where something is, he points to it and says "find"
otch- ouch, what he says when we wants to headbutt someone
poppit= pocket (he always says "Mine!" and put things in his poppit
papoose= what he says when he is ready to get out of the tub and be wrapped in a towel (Nana started this)
side= outside
ight= light
awwwfant= elephant (can refer to cows too)
Coke- any drink including milk, water, juice. anything in a plastic bottle is Coke.
ose= nose
ouf= mouth
shash= hair
body parts he knows: shash (hair), eyes, ears, nose, mouth, teeth, tongue, hands, fingers, belly button, feet, toes
animal sounds he knows:
cow, monkey, tiger, kitty cat, dogdog, snake, horsey, duck, frog
phrases he likes to say:
it's hot
go go go!
ready, set, go!
awwwnooo- "i don't know"
hereidis- "here it is" when he finds something
bite- when he wants a bite
off! (he likes to press off buttons if he finds one)
he sometimes adds "ze" or "je" in front of certain words, for example "je poot" and "ze cars" (don't ask me!)
at 23 months he started saying "boo-boo gock" when Black Eye Peas' song Boom Boom Pow came out on the radio
at 24 months he has a new phrase "beeba-honk" and I have no clue what it means
when he wants to avoid something (food, scary toys) he either closes his eyes and covers his ears or runs away saying "ni-nite!"
when he is in trouble, he smiles and says "HI!"
he like to put deodorant on. anything can be pretend deodorant!